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Believe it or not, a years-old cake recipe has reignited Hollow Knight: Silksong hopes for the millionth time

It sounds too good to be true. It probably is, but it's the most refined Silksong copium we've seen yet.

Hollow Knight: Silksong art showing Hornet leaping, needle sword in hand, a firey pit behind her.
Image credit: Team Cherry

If you've been a fan of indie games over the past, uh I don't know, six years since Hollow Knight: Silksong was announced, you've probably been aware of the savage hunger the gaming community at large has been for a taste of a release date. The game is just that anticipated. It turns out after years of silence, a desert recipe is the current source of hope for desperate fans, and it might just take the cake for the funniest potential Silksong tease we've seen yet.

It all starts with an otherwise innocent move by a member of Team Cherry, changing their Discord tag and profile picture to a slice of delicious cake ahead of the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal. However, eagle-eyed Silksong fans discovered that if you reverse image search this cake image, you come across a single online cake recipe. Suddenly, Silksong fans found the first breadcrumb - or perhaps cake crumb - that led towards some more info.

This recipe is Bon Appetit's Brooklyn Blackout Cake, written and published on the food outlet's website on April 2, 2024 by one Rick Martinez. If that date sounds familiar, that's because the next Nintendo Direct has been set for April 2, 2025. Now you see how a little bit of fun actually started to look like a delicious tease of what's to come.

But it turns out, there's even more. If you look down at the comments on this Brooklyn Blackout Cake, you'll find comments by both Ari Gibson and William Pellen. They are an art director and game designer at Team Cherry respectively, and while their comments aren't exactly smoking guns, Gibson's comment is an absolute eyebrow-raiser. He comments, "I give this cake a rating of 4/2" - another reference to the date of publication and the date of the next Nintendo Direct.

So it seems, if this little treasure hunt is to be believed, that those of you out there who have been praying for more Silksong over the last few years might actually get what you've been asking for in a mere few months. Either that, or Team Cherry have gone and done the funniest joke at the expense of the Silksong-starved. Funniest, or cruelest, depending on your perspective. It has been a while since we've seen anything, and one hopes the good folk over at Team Cherry have been doing more than making delicious cake all these years.

So, with this, an already exciting Nintendo Direct has seemingly pointed to the stands in preparation for a home run. It's no understatement to say that a direct with not only a host of new Switch 2 reveals and Silksong would be an all-timer. So please, don't be a wild goose chase!

Do you think Silksong will actually show up in April? Or are Silksong fans cursed to stay parched forever? Let us know below!

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